Our company wants to establish a new and unique honey culture and showcase its diversity. We offer a variety of honey products, including classic honey, creamed honey, comb honey, honey mixes, various healthy bee products and much more.
We sell different types of honey
collected by professional beekeepers
and produce creamed honey
in a number of flavors.
For a long time creamed honey was unknown to the Russian market. We introduced Russian foodies to a new dessert that can be added to pastry, spread on bread or eaten out of the jar with a spoon, as one does.
We have turned the gourmet dessert for the elite into a delicacy that can be enjoyed by anyone. Now any customer can choose a treat for their liking, buy it easily and recommend it to their friends. If you are in doubt what to choose, we can help you with competent advice.
and surprise our clients.
We are not afraid to experiment
even coffee into our mixes.
fruits, berries, nuts and
unusual flavors by adding
creamed honey and create
We produce original